Case study

The Government of Western Australia Police Force - The Bill

4 Sep




Amplify messaging that the Government of Western Australian Police Force is actively recruiting for police officers living in the UK to migrate to Western Australia.


Press Box PR used its creativity and editorial-first approach to create a mock trailer for The Bill which suggested that the hit show would return to screens almost 15 years after its final episode. Except this season would be set in Western Australia, promoting the messaging that UK police officers can relocate for a better life down under.

The media hook was there and, like every hit show, it just needed its star. And that’s where Gary Lucy came in. Famous for playing Will Fletcher in the original show, Gary Lucy’s appearance in the mock trailer added authenticity to the production and helped achieve the ‘surprise’ return media line that we hoped to achieve.

The 30-second trailer sees Gary Lucy successfully apply to join the Western Australia Police Force and head for the airport after opting for a better life than his experience on the UK beat.


The campaign and ‘shock Bill return’ was covered by the biggest national publications in the UK, including Mail Online, Daily Mirror, Daily Star and Evening Standard. Plus Press Box PR also secured print coverage in The Sun ensuring that the messaging reached as many Brits as possible.

Over half a million organic views on social media via video plays on Gary Lucy and Western Australia channels proved that the video was a hit with followers and that paid spend wasn’t necessary to achieve successful reach from the owned content.

The trailer the Press Box PR team created shows Gary Lucy’s police officer character express jealousy at the better quality of life and working conditions a former colleague enjoyed whom had made the move to Western Australia. It also highlighted the benefits UK police officers can expect by making the switch - this ensured key messaging was conveyed throughout the entertaining owned content.

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